Eleocharis montevidensis (Giant Hair grass)


Common Name: Eleocharis Parvula, or dwarf hairgrass

A common and convenient foreground plant called dwarf hairgrass can create a carpet-like lawn that looks like grass. With its thin stalks sprouting from roots that expand horizontally by sending out runners, this plant actually resembles aquatic grass.

Although high lighting and CO2 injection are not always necessary to develop dwarf hairgrass, they will unquestionably speed up and thicken the foreground's growth. In dry start aquariums and Wabi Kusa, this plant can grow emersed or immersed. Just cut up larger mats into smaller pieces, then plant each one about an inch apart, halfway into the substrate. After a few weeks, the plant will spread its runners all around, resulting in a thick foreground of grass.

Common Name: Giant Hair Grass

Family Name: Cyperaceae

Origin: Cosmopolitan

Height: 1-2”

pH: 6-7.5

Care: Easy

Light: Medium to High

Co2: Recommended 

Propagation: Cut new growth along with roots

Growth rate: Moderate to Fast