Fissidens Nobilis


Fissidens Nobilis is known as

Beautiful, feathery aquatic moss called Fissidens Nobilis can give any planted tank more color and depth. This plant, a recently found moss from Asia, is versatile and practically maintenance-free once it has established itself. Despite the fact that Fissidens Nobilis can endure a wide range of environments, it prefers a cooler temperature of about 77°F. Fissidens Nobilis can be planted straight into the substrate, unlike other mosses, and will also cling to the right surface without the hassle of having to re-tie it every time. This moss is a well-liked option for giving rocks or driftwood a natural appearance.

Family Name: Fissidentaceae

Origin: Asia

Height: 3-10 cm

pH: 6.0-8.0

Care: Easy

Light: Medium

Co2: Not necessary

Propagation: Tie to desired surface

Growth rate: Slow

Each Mat is approximately 3" x 3"