Echinodorus Kleiner Bar


Smaller Bar sword (Echinodorus 'Kleiner Bar') It requires sufficient substrate fertilizer and moderate light. It adds a lovely touch to your aquarium. These are gorgeous! The Echinodorus 'Kleiner Bar' creates a compact, average-sized rosette of rusty red to deep dark crimson leaves when submerged. With age or in low light, the color fades to greenish. The temperature range is 22 to 30 C. Without extra CO2 fertilization, cultivation is successful in both extremely hard, alkaline environments and soft, somewhat acidic water.

  • Common Name: Kleiner Bar
  • Family Name: Alismataceae
  • Native To: Hyrbid
  • Lighting: Medium
  • pH: 6-8
  • Growth Demands: Easy
  • Growth Form: Rosette
  • Growth Rate: Medium
  • True Aquatic: Yes
  • Placement In Tank: Mid-Background


Small around 5 inches

Medium around 7 inches

Large around 9 inches

XL around 11 plus inches

*Picture is what it looks like submersed